Maven install windows 8
Maven install windows 8

maven install windows 8

You’ll see Maven downloading dependencies including the Scala library (as mentioned above), JUnit, ScalaTest, and Specs2 (the latter three are test frameworks the archetype includes an example “Hello world” program, and tests with each of the frameworks). Think back to “convention over configuration” in our case, the Scala Maven Plugin provides an archetype for scala projects. An archetype is a general skeleton structure, or template for a project. The easiest way to create new projects is using an “archetype”.

  • You’ll need to restart cmd to see these changes.
  • Edit your Path variable: being careful not to change anything else, append %MAVEN3_BIN% to it.
  • Create a new variable called “MAVEN3_BIN” with this value: %MAVEN3_HOME%\bin.
  • Use backslashes to be safe, and do not include a trailing slash
  • Create a new variable called “MAVEN3_HOME”.
  • You can do the same with System variables though (bottom box)
  • Note: I recommend creating/editing your User variables (top box).
  • Under the “Advanced” tab, hit “Environment Variables…” in the bottom right.
  • On the left sidebar there should be four options click on “Advanced system settings” (fourth one).
  • This should bring you to “Control Panel -> System and Security -> System”, giving an overview of your computer.
  • Right click on “My Computer” and go to “Properties” The shell script simply invokes the Maven location (which is at some other location) and passes on the arguments
  • This is probably the least intrusive way $HOME/bin is usually added to the user’s path by default, and if not, it’s a useful thing to do/have anyways.
  • Add "$HOME/bin/apache-maven-X.X.X/bin/mvn" to it, and chmod u+x mvn to make it executable.
  • Put the folder you extracted in $HOME/bin ( mv apache-maven-X.X.X "$HOME/bin/").
  • Example: you have $HOME/bin in your path.
  • Linux/OSX (option 3): Make a mvn shell script in an existing path location.
  • Example: echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-X.X.X/bin" > ~/.bash_profile.
  • bash_profile (or whatever profile for the shell you use)
  • Add export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-X.X.X/bin to.
  • Linux/OSX (option 2): Add the Maven bin folder directly to your path, using your shell configuration file (e.g.
  • ln -s /usr/bin/mvn /opt/apache-maven-X.X.X/bin/mvn.
  • Linux/OSX (option 1): Create a symlink to /usr/bin, which is already on your Path.
  • On Windows I would probably put this in C:/), you need to add Maven to your environment Path variable: After extracting it ( tar -zxvf apache-maven-X.X., or use something like 7-zip) to your directory of choice (on Linux and OSX, Unix-like systems, I like to put them in /opt/.

    Maven install windows 8 download#

    You can download Maven from its Apache homepage. The Scala Maven Plugin requires Maven 3.0+ Manually (Red Hat Linux, OSX, Windows) If you don’t have it, you can get it with the package managers MacPorts, Homebrew, or Fink. OSX prior to 10.9 (Mavericks) comes with Maven 3 built in. Just do (sudo) apt-get install maven and you’re good to go. On Debian and Debian-derivatives, Maven is usually available via apt-get. Note: the plugin includes Scala from the Central Repository so there’s no need to install it yourself if you’re compiling with Maven. We’ll be using the Scala Maven Plugin ( GitHub repo, website) (formerly known as the maven-scala-plugin renamed to honour the new naming policy where only Maven core plugins are prefixed with “maven”), by far the dominant plugin for Scala projects. If you’re familiar with Maven, you can go ahead with the Scala Maven Plugin. You can also check out the official example project which uses the same Scala plugin we will show here. These “artifacts” are downloaded from repositories such as The Central Repository.

    maven install windows 8

    For example, adding a new dependency usually involves only 5 extra lines in the pom.xml. Maven is a plugin-based architecture, making it easy to add new libraries and modules to existing projects. It favours “convention over configuration” it can greatly simplify builds for “standard” projects and a Maven user can usually understand the structure of another Maven project just by looking at its pom.xml (Project Object Model). Maven is a build/project management tool.

    Maven install windows 8